Summer Activity Packs

A week of campus is a very important part of the year for so many of the children. Our volunteers were aware that children would be very disappointed about Campus being cancelled and we wanted to make sure they knew that Campus still cares about them, even if we can’t see them this summer.

The EC therefore decided we should put together activity packs for each of the children. These included craft equipment, books, simple recipes, toys
and other age appropriate activities. This included a donation of over 200 brand new books from author Joanna Skipwith and the EC would like to say a huge thank you to Joanna, our regular donors and volunteers who made these possible! We are also supporting these with YouTube videos made by our volunteers showing how to do the crafts or follow the recipe. We hope that these activity packs, as well as giving the children something to do over the summer, will help them still feel connected to Campus and our volunteers.