CAMPUS has some exciting Christmas plans to share!
Unfortunately, we’ve had to make the decision that Winter Project will not run as usual this year due to Covid restrictions. However, we’re not going to let this stop us from organising some fun christmas activities for our Campus children!
We are planning to arrange zoom calls with small groups of our Campus kids over the few days when WP would usually take place. These will be short 30 min calls to catch up with the kids and do some fun activities. To make this happen we need you!
There will be a morning and an afternoon session each day from 28th-31st Dec, with 2 calls taking place in each session. All activities will be pre-planned and there will be 2 helpers on every call, and a day coordinator will be available all day to set up the calls and answer any questions.
The sessions will run as follows:
9:45-10:00 – helpers meet with day coordinator on zoom for a quick briefing on the kids and safeguarding training
10:00 – 10:30 – first group of kids join the zoom
10:30 – 10:50 – break
10:50 – 11:00 – another quick briefing
11:00 – 11:30 – second group of kids join the meeting
Another session will run from 1:45 until 3:30.
If you are able to commit to helping for a session please fill in the google form below with your availability and how many sessions you would like to do by Sunday 13th Dec!